Hi everyone,

on behalf of the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI(
http://www.thebdri.com/), I am pleased to announce that we are seeking 4 Bottlenose Dolphin Internships for our 2009 Winter season (a minimum of 7 weeks of participation between January - April) in SardiniaIsland, Italy.
BDRI is a marine mammal science and education center located at GolfoAranci in Sardinia Island, Italy. Sardinia Island is a marinebiologist's paradise and the dolphin behaviour you will witness isunsurpassed. BDRI's researchers are engaged in the conduction of a long term study about the ecology and behaviour of wild bottlenose dolphins and the potential effects of human activities (fisheries, aquaculture and tourism) in their distribution and behaviour.
An internship period with the BDRI offers an invaluable exposure to boat based field work, marine mammals research, intensive training and mentoring in marine ecology, and encouragement to work hard, have fun, and learn from thedolphins and each other.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students can present their BDRI's personal research project as their Thesis. Internships can be used for academic or vocational purposes, but students are solely responsible for making all arrangements forreceiving relevant credit(s) as a result of completing the internship.
Interns can expect to participate in and learn a variety of facets ofmarine mammal research as research assistants in three diverse research projects:
1. Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins societies project: We will take and analyse identification photos, study group structure and composition to refine details of dolphin societies and responses to human activities at sea. Volunteers assist with data collection onboard helping to locate, photograph and keep track of bottlenose dolphin groups. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse photos and transcribe data collected.
2. Mediterranean bottlenose dolphin communication project: We will record and monitor vocalizations to refine details of dolphins acoustic behaviour and responses to human activities at sea. Students will actively participate in data collection onboard and monitor dolphins vocalizations. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse and transcribe acoustical data collected.
3. Trial of acoustic deterrents for prevention of bottlenose dolphin bycatch: We will test a new type of acoustic deterrent devices and study the interactions between bottlenose dolphins and aquaculture. Students will actively participate in acoustical and behavioural data collection onboard. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse and transcribe data collected.
Internships will stay in an apartment on Golfo Aranci (Sardinia Island, Italy). There is an internships cost of 25€/day and BDRI will provide housing and all associated field costs during the internships period (training, use of materials, electricity, gas, boat trips, etc). The apartment has a full kitchen and a full set of cooking utensils. Foods of all kinds are available at the local supermarkets within walking distance at your own expense. There is no compensation for these internship positions and successful applicants will be responsible for their own transportation expenses to and from the research camp on Golfo Aranci (Sardinia, Italy).
There is no deadline to apply. However, approved applications are accepted on a first-come, first serve basis. Apply early! Start and end datesare flexible. Positions are open until filled.Please download the internships general information at:
and the application from:
Send cover letter or inquiries by email to the Research Chief, BrunoDiaz Lopez, at
info@thebdri.com. Please indicate in your cover letter the dates you are available. Recent selected scientific publications by BDRI:
1. Diaz Lopez B. and Shirai, J.A., 2008. Marine aquaculture and bottlenose dolphins social structure. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 62(6):887-894.
2. Diaz Lopez B., Bunke, M. and Shirai, J.A., 2008. Marine aquaculture off Sardinia Island (Italy): ecosystem effects evaluated through atrophic mass-balance model. Ecological Modelling 212:292-303.
3. Diaz Lopez B., Shirai, J.A.; Bilbao Prieto, A. & Méndez Fernández,P., 2008. Diving activity of a solitary wild free ranging bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Marine Biological AssociationU.K 88(6):1153-1157.
4. Diaz Lopez B. and Shirai, J.A., 2007. "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) presence and incidental capture in a marine fish farm onthe noth-eastern coast of Sardinia (Italy)" Journal of MarineBiological Association U.K, 87, 113-117.
5. Díaz López, B., 2006. "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)Predation on a Marine Fin Fish Farm: Some Underwater Observations". Aquatic Mammals 32(3): 305 - 310 pp.
6. Díaz López, B., 2006."Interactions between Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and gillnets off Sardinia". ICES Journal of Marine Science 63: 944-951 pp.
Bruno Diaz Lopez
Research Biologist / Marine Zoologist
Chief Researcher
The Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI
V. Armando Diaz Nº4 07020 Golfo Aranci (SS) Italy
Tel: + (39) 346 0815414