please find bellow our updated 2009 Environmental policy:
As a marine science research team, BDRI researchers have witnessed first hand the effects global warming and climate change have on our planet. We are committed to the implementation of proactive measures to help protect and sustain the local and global environment for future generations. The BDRI aim to achieve the objective of improved environmental performance through pollution prevention and continuous improvement.
1. BDRI seeks to conserve natural resources by ensuring the responsible use of energy, water and materials by the continual implementation of the 3R's (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle).
2. We know the importance of reduce the energy consumption derived of the use of polluting fossil fuels, promoting the use of renewable energy. In order to reduce noise and air pollution derived of the use of our research boats, BDRI is supporting renewable energy through the
equipment of our principal research vessel with solar panel.
3. “BDRI Carbon Free expeditions”: To neutralize cruise related greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming, the BDRI will calculate the amount of carbon emitted by each research cruise itinerary it offers then divides that by the number of volunteers cruising each year. In turn, when a volunteer participate in our project, BDRI contributes a portion of the volunteering fee to buy solar panels to produce renewable energy and reduce the air pollution
associated with electricity production during our research. Furthermore, “BDRI Carbon Free Expeditions” campaign has no effect on the price of its volunteering opportunities in any way. In other words, the cost of the campaign is not passed onto the volunteer.
4. BDRI will continue to take steps to minimise any detrimental impacts on the environment caused by the operation of their researchers and volunteers. BDRI aims specifically to minimise the adverse environmental impacts associated with effluent discharge, water use, emissions to both air and water, and waste generation through best available techniques as they emerge in order to prevent pollution and also to maintain water quality.
Please if you have any question do not hesitate to ask to us!