during the last month of February things have been crazy due to the really bad weather conditions. During the first two weeks the weather was horrible, windy days and a lot of rain... But from the third week of February the weather changed drastically and we were able to spent 12 days at sea to conduct opportunistic photo-identification surveys and bioacoustical studies in good conditions. Evidently the bad weather days we were working hard with lab-work (finishing 2008 photo-id catalogue and new scientific papers).
During February also we started a new research project, "BSD" a test of acoustics deterrent devices to reduce the risk of dolphins bycatch, to carry out from February to June 2009 in partnerships with engineers working for the Spanish goverment. Since the use of acoustic deterrent devices does not is efective in most waters of the Mediterranean sea we will analyse the acoustical characteristics of a new deterrent device in order of indentify the physical characteristics and behavioural effects on bottlenose dolphins.
Here you can see some pictures...

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